Wendy B did a great write up on Daring Damsels in Double Denim (how GREAT is that title?) and the look I wore for her is featured along with some other really great looks. I am particularly fond of Sharon's McQ playsuit. Jealous!
I have been looking forward to this shoe and dress combination since February, when I first saw them next to each other in my wardrobe and said “Oh!~ Look at the pattern mixing there!”. No, really... look:
I love it!~
It was Nathan’s idea to have me stand by the matching tree, isn’t that pretty? I was lit from behind, so the lighting is not amazing, but the pictures came out really pretty regardless. I admit to lots of adjustments though, so you can see my face. Because faceless girls are just creepy.
I wasn’t sure what jacket to wear, and I tried a few that all worked about as well, and a couple that didn’t work at all, but I settled on this one because it gives a bit of a waist when worn and the dress is so floaty.
I’m meeting friends to celebrate a friend’s promotion (Congratulations, Jesse! We love you!) later and I’d love to wear this, but the chances I’ll make it that long in these shoes are not good. They are comfortable enough for what they are, but they are not exactly walking shoes, now are they? Plus I suspect after the sun goes down there will be a chill in the air. That’s OK, I’ve got alllllll Summer to wear this out.
You got any amazing plans tonight? Do you have to work tomorrow? I took a vacation day because my office does not close for Good Friday, but I do!~
Jacket, Forever XXI
Dress, Target (recent)
Shoes, Alice and Olivia for Payless
Bag, GAP
Necklace, self made, skull by mrd74 at Etsy
holy crap scary. Twice we had neighbors who lit their apartments on fire and both times we caught it before they did. URG people can be so clueless, especially smokers.
This is a fantastic combo I dig it.
My god-I'm glad everything is ok. Love that print mix, and the pink blossoms. I will be knitting tonight, which to me constitutes an amazing plan.
Wow, how scary! I'm glad you found it before any major damage happened.
Love this combination... the colours are so pretty.
You've got some great gams, gal! (oy, the alliteration!)
That's so scary!! I'm glad everything is ok!
That outfit is adorable, loving the pattern mixing!
OMG I want those shoes now!!!!
woo, scary biscuits. I love that combination and am so jealous of everyone who can already wear bare legs!
Might be my favorite pattern mix EVER. Like ever worn/created/imagined.
And my gosh, lady, I'm so glad the house is OK!
It's pretty freaky to smell fire, I mean smoke, at your house! I called 911 twice when living in my little apt building. It was freaky! You look gorgeous though! I am so jealous of those shoes. Hot! No plans tonight, but I'm on spring break, so today I'll be in town all day. I love says like this. Toodles.
Really awesome outfit!! Love how the pattern in the dress and shoes went so well together! Just discovered your blog the other day - love it!
I agree...the pattern mixing was meant to be!
I'm a teacher, so I will be off tomorrow too. I'm going to dinner to celebrate my homieloverfriend's bday:) Drinks will be involved:)
i love it when an outfit comes together purely by accident of things hanging near each other in the closet!
i think tonight i will be making some jewelry (i have YOU to thank for my newest hobby!) for my sis-in-law for her bday...
Beautiful pictures! Sooo pretty.
Glad you still have your house! ;)
first: scary mini house fire...i'm glad someone found it.
second: loooooooove the shoes, love. i love the pattern mix...i want to try mixing patterns, i just have to find the right mix.
Totally glad you were able to put out the fire, totally appreciate your taking photos for my denim post and totally want to steal your awesome shoes.
Seriously seriously pretty! Seriously! I can’t stop looking at these shoes...
And re: your house- phew!
Gotta be honest: When you did the top picture with the shoes next to the dress I thought "eh, that's not going to be pretty." But when I saw it ON you I totally changed my mind! I love it!
No crazy plans here. Maybe yoga class if I get out of work early enough. Also, it's totally lame but - I'm looking forward to tonight's TV. I don't get off work for practically anything, and definitely not Good Friday, so I'll be back in the office in the AM :)
I am so glad that you guys found the fire before it caused serious damage! Yikes! That is so scary.
I am amazed by this pattern mixing. I was a little skeptical from the first photo, but it really looks fantastic on you!
Scary! Glad everythings okay. Love love this pattern mixing - you look lovely, and I love the springy setting.
Um. You look AMAZING for someone whose house lit on fire. Seriously, I'd be out there in scrubby jeans and a t-shirt just cause my HOUSE LIT ON FIRE. To say I'm impressed would be an understatement.
GREAT combo, and - as always - your legs look about a mile long!
Glad your house is ok. Is it weird that I commented on your outfit first, then your scary almost-housefire?
Damn! That's some HAWT pattern mixing! Love it!
Those shoes are awesome! Also, scrolling down this page, I'm pretty much in love with every outfit shown. You've got great style! S.
Love the shoes, so cute
It was so great to see you both last night! And this outfit is adorable, as are you! XOXO
Wow! Glad you're house didn't burn down. Now I'm freaking out b/c I think I left my flat iron plugged in and turned on this morning.
Nathan was right about having you pose in front of the redbud tree. It really sets off how pretty your outfit it today.
lovely outfit. i really like how the shoes and dress go together!
Hi! I just discovered your blog - I love the concept! I get so frustrated by the blogs with 22 year old girls who can mysteriously afford Prada and Coach.
Marvelous pattern mixing!! Big yay that you still have a house - glad everyone and everything was safe!
LOVE the dress and shoes together! And the flowering tree is the perfect accent. Could you carry it around with you all day?
Perfection!!! Sometimes faceless shots are needed to hide the ole wrinkles ;) - I really love this combo!!! Jealous !
All of these pictures are gorgeous! The light, the flowering tree, you and your pretty, pretty outfit... :)
I had the same reaction Kelly did; when I saw the shoes on top of the dress I was skeptical. But they are FAB on you! FAB.
This pattern-mixing made me so happy! I would totally wear that, except I'd probably throw in a plaid scarf or something, too. :-)
These photos of you in front of tree are so pretty. You're glowing.
That is some awesome pattern mixing! I love when I find new ways to wear things together just because they are in the closet or laundry near each other and look cute!
such a pretty outfit! love how you mixed the flower print with the leopard pattern... delicious spring colours...
and i still feel envious about this army styled denim jacket...
lovely outfit. i really like how the shoes and dress go together!
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Love your blog! This is a great combo - would love to see it with back tights and yr black sequin cardi.
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