I am loving this chilly weather! I delight in layers. And scarves. And boots. And jackets…

I was discussing boots with a co-worker yesterday, She was saying she wanted to get a pair, but just one, and she didn’t know if she should go with black or brown. I said “Cognac!” Cognac goes with everything in my book. It matches brown and pops against black. So of course I went with an all black look today to prove it.

That scarf is an American Apparel circle scarf, cut in half. I found the original size to be just really, really overwhelming. This is perfect, plus I got to share it with a friend. Now…anyone want to split a grey one?
And the gloves? Yeah, you are seeing that right, they are in fact, black leather elbow length gloves. Kelly and I have been looking for black leather elbow length gloves for what feels like ages. I needed them to make up the distance between where normal gloves end and the slightly shorter sleeve on my Bona Drag biker jacket begins. I looked and looked and don’t get me wrong, I found some, but they were so expensive!~ I think before these the cheapest I found was $60.00, and I am sure some of you are thinking that is nothing for nice gloves….but I lose gloves. Anyway. Found these at Target, of course. I called Kelly right away. I scared the crap out of her because it was the middle of a work day and she thought someone had died. But no, I just found the gloves we wanted, in our size (small, natch), for $18.00. It was an exciting day. It was also a couple of months ago, so you know, I’ve been dying to break them out.
You know how every holiday season the diamond people come up with some new design and we are supposed to want that? I saw a commercial for this years “must have” and remarked to Nathan that it was not as horrible as years past, but I still didn’t like it. In fact, the last time I remember liking what they were selling was the year we got married. That was the year of the little floating solitare necklace. I still love it. It’s classic and understated.

But you know, I can’t wear JUST understated…

OH MY GOSH. How amazing are these?

They are just perfect. Little gun shells filled with crystals. I have seen this look done a lot on Etsy and Bona Drag, but I think this is the best execution I’ve seen as far as earrings go. I just adore them.
Tights, Target
Boots, Matisse
Diamond necklace, gift, ages ago
Earrings, Prairie Oats at Etsy
Bat skull necklace, mrd74 at Etsy
Bird skull necklace, mrd74 at Etsy
Bag, Banana Republic, Thrifted by Nathan
Gloves, Target
Scarf, AA, Altered by me
I love this look for you! It's extremely flattering and the scarf is the perfect touch. I agree on the boots - they definitely go with black!
I'm taking my ass to Target for those gloves Pronto...Right after work! I mean freakin after!!
I hope things work out for you with your vehicle. You are so lucky to get those gloves. They are sold out on line :(
I am LOVING this outfit!! Wishing I had some cognac boots... and elbow-length gloves. LOL.
I'm sorry to hear about your car, good luck!
I love this outfit! I want it! :)
i LOVE that dress! i mean i love the whole outfit, but i would love to find a dress like that. the brand...what is mark? where do i find that?
ps..how often do you shop? you always have the best stuff!
Holy cats, the gloves are from TARGET?!? I hope they're not sold out ...
I love the dress and th eboots together. I know what you mean about the AA scarf - I've got two - purple and black and they are too big as scarfs.
Oh yes, I want your gloves! Those are so fabulous!!
You look awesome! Those gloves make me want to cry ... in a good way!
haha, I think you caused a run on gloves at target!
Looks like they are out of stock, but maybe the brick & mortar stores will have them.
If no one else is gonna jump on half a scarf, I'll do it. I've been thinking that same thing about some of the circle scarfs- they seem like A LOT.
The mark dress looks good. I'm always too gun-shy to buy their clothing, but there is a dress I'm loving right now!
your gloves!! still loving those. i need me some. i like that you paired the black with the brown boots and purse.
I would totally take 1/2 a scarf!! Did you dye this one or did it come like that? I love it!
I still say you look amazing in those mark. dresses! They should pay you for wearing them because they look fantastic on you. <3
Totally agree on the cognac accessories! Love the scarf - what a good idea to share it!
Loving the gloves! I have a fleece pair of elbow length (in red), a pair of black leather (more mid-lower arm) and just got a pair of brown leather. They are awesome for those not-quite-full length jackets. I also have velvet leopard, stretch satin and black velvet long gloves...but that's another look altogether!
Love the cognac boots! You look awesome!
Oooeee! Love those earrings. And yes, cognac boots are fantastic and look wonderful with black as you have aptly demonstrated.
AH! and $18 for long leather gloves... get out!
Love the gloves... hate that they are from Target. Not because I hate Target (I lurve them) but because I'm in Canada. Why oh why won't they come to Canada already?
You look wonderful and I love the idea of cutting the circle scarf in half. I haven't bought one because they seem too overwhelming on me.
Love love LOVE the gloves. And I totally agree about the yearly diamond necklaces. They are always wretched.
I want that whole outfit. Size 6!!
Those long gloves are gorgeous. They go so well with the dress
I also like the dress shape, and the cognac boots (next on my list to buy)
Style on a String :: Because style has nothing to do with money.
You look amazing! Those gloves are perfection, and what a great idea to split a circle scarf with someone. I use my navy one as a dress, so I shall not be splitting that one any time soon, but I have been eying the tie dyed ones and know just the person to split with!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Adored Austin adores you!
Those earings are amazing!
www.meetmark.com they won’t have this dress I don’t think, they are an off shoot of Avon and they sell clothes and make-up geared to a younger audience. I used to shop all the time, but I don’t really shop at all right now. I really enjoy it though.
Everyone else, thank you so much for all the kind words!~ I am going to split with Alannah, so if you wanted to split, feel free to give one of the other girls a shout, and I’ll be sure to mention if I want another color!~
Oooooo, I am insanely jealous of this dress and those boots :) You look so fabulous, it's not even fair!
That is my favorite color of brown... I call my brown "caramel" and I totally agree that it goes with everything!
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