And staying honest…

Meh. I’m not super impressed with this. It was thrown together last minute. I literally slept in those leggings and then dressed around them. I had a really hard time waking up today, and I think it shows. I am also really having trouble dressing for the weather lately. My mind has moved on to Spring ensembles, but the weather has refused to cooperate. It snowed all day Saturday. And it was 37 degrees (F) when I woke up today.

It’s not terrible. It doesn’t make me feel fat, and that's a pretty big feat these days, to be honest. It’s comfortable, and it covers everything that needs covering. I just don’t love it.

I’ve been doing some deep thinking about the blog lately. (Don’t you just hate when that happens?) My blog is designed to feature low budget fashion. And it does. But I am at a point now where I don’t even have a low budget for fashion. I have no budget for fashion. I don’t mention it much on here, but my husband was laid off in December of 2008. He has had some freelance here and there, but he has not found steady work. We have done a really good job of staying afloat so far, but I have also had a really hard time facing up to reality. Nathan has been more than patient and more than understanding about it. We are at the place where money? It’s really tight. And for me, not buying clothes is a challenge no matter what, but I feel added pressure to buy new things to keep the blog fresh, to remain interesting. Not pressure for you, pressure from me. And I have to really face up to that right now and see if I can continue to present a relevant, interesting blog without purchasing new things. I know others before me have done just that, but I feel like I’m working from a much smaller wardrobe than those people. Maybe I’m not, but I feel like I am. So that’s where I am at. Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ll stick around.
Jacket, Bona Drag, customized by me
Cardigan, Target
Dress, American Apparel
Leggings, Target
Boots, Vintage
Isabella Wolf Fang Necklace, Wendy Brandes
i find your blog to be a constant source of inspiration. i find that the pieces in my wardrobe feel old and stale to me because i see them every day. but when i look at the pictures on my blog, each outfit is different and fresh.
i love your style, and i certainly dont think your outfits or boring or repetitive or anything other than awesome.
heres sending you best vibes that dear hubby lands something soon that he loves.
New clothes haven't been in my budget for about a year now. I buy a few things here and there, mostly thrifted, but it's just not a priority right now due to our financial situation. (we have a 13 year old boy who eats and grows like it's a J.O.B.) So for me? Your blog reigns supreme as the perfect place to get ideas on how to mix and match with what I've got. And if I'm being honest, I've got quite a lot. I just have to learn to keep it fresh, and you've helped me do that. (and I bet I speak for many readers) So thank you, and keep doing what you do.
If it's any could have slapped me Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday this weekend. That's how bad my wardrobe is.
But I don't have a fashion blog and I know that it sucks for you right now...I hope you still post regardless. :)
Oh, and hubs and I went to American Apparel yesterday at North Park Mall
(Yeah, I went there needing to be slapped and left feeling like a homeless ugly poor person) and we totally love the hoodies. You were right. They are on lists for next fall.
I hope you stick with it - it is nice to see frugal minded bloggers mix and match their wardrobe. One of my favorite blogs was when Jane didn't spend any money on clothes for a whole year ( I found it even more inspirational than the blogs that add new wardrobe items all the time.
I hope something gives for your hubby and his work situation soon. My mom just went back to work earlier this month after 13 of being unemployed after being laid-off. I know how emotionally hard it can be on a person to not have a job.
Take care!
I will always stick around, promise! I don't read your blog to see the new stuff you have, I read it because for one you are interesting, funny, and always brighten my day. But also I like to see how you use, reuse, and remix things you already have, seriously. I am not just saying that to make you feel better, cause honestly I am not very good at that. LOL
Anyway, I am sorry to hear about your difficulties and I hope things turn around for you and Nathan very soon. I think you have handled it with such grace and humor on the blog.. way better than i would handle it!!
First, I LOVE this look, but I am biased by the leopard cardigan. I really enjoy seeing how you rework items, and reading your blog is interesting because of your personality. Some fashion blogs I only look at the pictures.....yours I actually READ.
I will Haraseekett Lunch and Lobster stick around. I am not really interested in seeing new stuff I prefer when people get creative with what they have. I actually unfollowed a ton of blogs that were just daily parades of new stuff.
Also the privacy thing. I am very conscious of that. My facebook, flickr and Twitter are private. I have never said where I work or my real name or where I'm going. Or about coworker and never their names.
I have to imagine that a boatload of "please don't stop blogging" comments will just make you feel MORE torn, so I'll just say this. You're awesome, I adore your style, and (believe it or not) I completely understand where you're coming from. Do what you need to do, and I'm hoping so hard that your hubs finds work soon. HUGS!!
Love all the layers! The jacket reminds me of my ex's brother, he had a leather jacket with DIY studs all over it, haha! :)
You are so cool. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your blog direction. I would like to share with you that some of my absolute FAVORITE blogs are written by people who really do work with what they've got. Who is the boogey-monster in fashion? The greedy consumer monster! The one that tells us we always just need a little more. It's not true! I love when bloggers post remixes. I love when I see the same pair of pants worn 50 different ways. That's real life.
Having an endless fashion budget is not real life for most women. It just isn't. Even if money is steady, most folks always have something we should be saving towards: retirement, the new bike, debt abatement.
Also, I am digging Miss Alix's blog right now; she has resolved to only buy 2nd-hand this year:
You are not alone!
I have to say, I love your blog! I've had you in my reader for about 8 months (and no comments, I'm terrible, I know!) and I always find your outfits so interesting and original. Your Stay Fabulous or Get Slapped Friday really made me laugh, and I told a bunch of people about it. I'm sending good vibes to you and your husband, I hope your situation improves soon!
I have no money for clothes either, and daily I struggle with the fact that I'll be wearing the same thing on my blog. But you know what? Who cares! It's a good message to send -- you don't have to buy something never every day to look stylish.
Girl, I so undersand the money issue...more than you know:)
But you can still inspire us by insisting on having "Stay Fabulous or Get Slapped Firday"! GIrl, I have two outfits in mind and I will be linking your blog to pass the Holiday around:)
And have you ever thought of hosting a "clothing swap" with friends? Maybe, hosting it with a pot luck and cheap drinks and friends at hour house...That constitutes shopping in my book:)
If I wasn't so busy, I would do it. Maybe this summer....Anyway, You look fab and good luck to your hubby:)
Obviously I'm in for SFoGSF...
a) I'm sticking around, I admire the fact that you post almost daily and remix like a master. I hope the job sitch gets better soon.
b) I agree with not posting when you go away but I mostly feel ok because some one is always at our house. Gotta keep the kitties alive. But if Matt's gone, I don't advertise that... nobody needs to know.
You look great, I love your writing and your attitude, and I think you should do whatever you need to do - real life imposes on all of us in one way or another. Take care of yourself and your family life first, ok?
One of the reasons I love your blog is that I recognize the pieces of clothing you wear and can see all the different ways you wear them! Sure, new stuff thrown into the mix is fun, but not necessary at all. I love your real life style, and that's what keeps me coming back.
I have so much respect for you, I know that it's a little intimdating when you look at other fashion blogs and they have the latest bag, a million different outfit choices etc but I really love your style and how you mix things up, in all fairness yours is probably one of the more inspiring, I've seen blogs where the person can afford anything they want, but thats not really style or fashion, thats being able to buy anything in a magazine, it doesn't force you to look at what you have and be really creative and really think about how you can create different looks using it. Keep up the good work!
I love and support you no matter what. If you posted the exact same photo on here every day, I would still read your blog because it's YOU and you = awesome. I think several people already said it here, but your personality really comes through on here and for me the clothes are almost secondary. I just like getting to "see" you every day!
I will never get tired of that cardigan--I'm happy to see it again! It is SO you. <3
I love your blog and your remixes because you find ways to keep things fresh - especially on the accessories front! I'm terrible with earrings and necklaces and jewelry in general so I like seeing how you wear things and change things because I just don't "get" jewelry like I do other things! Also, I love all the grey tones today!
I like reading your blog regardless of the amount of new items that you own... Your posts are fun to read, your outfits always look cute, and I couldn't care less about whether you've already shown an item or not. I don't think that it's the amount of money spent on fashion which makes a blog worth reading...
And on a quick sidenote, good luck to your husband and you - I hope that this year will be better for the two of you!
Well..maybe that's what you wanted the blog to be..I speak for me, but I come here almost daily because you're an inspiration for me..You show me new things to experiment with my own clothes, and most importantly, you show normal, affordable clothes..which is really good!!I think you shouldn't feel so much pressure to buy new have a great fashion sense and you should just go with that and shop you closet! And everything is going to get always does!
I know what it's like not being able to get new things and feeling like you wear the same thing over and over. But hang in there, you'll find one day out of the blue that those pants you usually wear with that top actually looks kinda cool with that dress tucked in and then all of a sudden you can imagine all manner of different combinations. It happens. It's weird.
Also, the change in season will help when you pull out all of your spring clothes.
Perhaps in the meantime set yourself some challenges with your current arsenal. That dress, make it your Wednesday dress and see how many different ways you can style it. You are already so good at remixing your jewellery I reckon you can do the same with your clothes.
And ultimately don't worry that you are alone or that people are getting bored. We all get dressed every day. Some days are just easier than others.
I know I'm just echoing the chorus here, but your blog is inspiring precisely BECAUSE you don't show a constant parade of new and fancy stuff. It's actually not obvious that you're working with a limited wardrobe because you mix things up so well and always look so adorable and stylish. Plus I just plain enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pretty face, so I'll keep coming back no matter what! I'm definitely sending good wishes for greater fortune your way, but you sure as heck don't have to buy new clothes to impress your loyal readers.
Ditto to the above sentiment - I don't like looking at blogs that just look like a clothing catalog. I have also *un*followed those folks. I like that you remix. And I like that you post your feelings about remixing. So there.
Best wishes for a solid lead on a job for your husband. I understand your situation, too. My husband was laid off 8 months ago and it's a real challenge on just my income.
I hope you don't give up the blog because it's very inspiring to see how you mix up your existing wardroe and always look so fresh and stylish. If you need time off, I'm sure we'll all understand, out here in the blogosphere, but we will miss you.
I think it's the grey shift dress underneath that's throwing this off, maybe the length, maybe the block colour, because everything else is so nice (yay I love the leopard, I bought a cardigan in a sandy kind of colour with that print and I thought you would love to see our Warehouse right now which had about ten variations of leopard print knitwear).
Maybe it is time to investigate making yourself new clothes if you're struggling with not buying, or some more embellishment?
I love that your blog is real. You are honestly one of my favorites. Your blog is one of the few that I read every word of every post- you make me laugh and you have fabulous taste in music (I challenge myself to recognize the song without googling but my memory is so crap that I have googled a line before only to find its in one of my favorite songs!)
I have to say that I am loosing interest in the blogs that are just a glorified brag fests about how many designer labels someone can cram on their body in a single outfit. Imagine how much a certain mother and daughter could have given to Haiti if they sold even half of their Prada shoes (sorry if that sounds bitchy- I don’t mean to come off that way)
ps what i was actually stopping by for was to say that i have given you a blog award! stop by my blog for details.
I often feel the same when I look at my own wardrobe - I don't often buy new things so have to find a way to remix things - and sometimes feel like im posting them same old sh*t all the time!
But then when I get nice comments for the things im wearing it makes me think it is worthwhile!
I for one love reading your blog and you are an inspiration so I do hope you keep it up :D
Love your grey dress and leopard cardie :)
CC xXx
I'm a relatively new reader (some point within the past two months) and I'd rather see how someone reuses clothes to keep them fresh and makes tiny changes to outfits without buying anything. Some fashion bloggers have great ideas but never wear the same outfit twice and it confuses me because I have my go-to pieces and like to see how other people mix up their "go to" pieces.
I think that not having new clothes might actually make your blog more creative, fresh, and useful.
I'm not the only one using these blogs as inspiration to shop my closet and make alterations to my clothes.
Best of luck to your husband. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts.
I think that style has nothing to do with money or new clothes. My financial situation changed this past July and I went from having a rather healthy shopping fund to none at all. I have to say - I liked it much more than I thought I ever would. It has spurred me to be really creative with what I already own and I'm much happier knowing that I'm getting full use out of my wardrobe. I'm so much more inspired by someone who can wear the same thing in 100 different ways than someone who can style 100 new things. Maybe it's time for your blog to get a new direction - like going through every item you already own and making it work. I think you can totally pull it off!
Silly girl! You don't need to buy new things for the sake of the blog. I show plenty of things on my blog that I've had for 10 or 15 years! And I'm obviously biased but I think the older stuff is more interesting! :-)
Whatever direction you end up going in for the blog, I'm sure I'll stick around and keep reading. You're a gem.
I know you've already gotten a ton of comments, but I hope you do continue to blog. You've got a rare, genuinely edgy style that you somehow manage to keep even when you wear the same pieces as other bloggers and myself. For instance, it amazes me that we both owned that black floral Target top, and our styles could not be more polar opposite! I am constantly inspired and impressed by you.
In other words, it's not WHAT you wear, it's HOW you wear it, that keeps people coming back. That's a rare quality!
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