As a result of the move, Kat is doing a bit of purging and she recently listed these shoes for sale on Facebook.

They are stunning, and I said as much, and she offered to give them to me. For free! She said it was hard to find someone with a foot small enough. Just call me Cinderella. The leather was a bit tight at first, but it is so buttery soft it stretched out to a perfect fit by the end of the day. I think I’d like to replace the laces (or iron them). Do you guys have any ideas? I don’t want to be boring with the replacements, but I don’t want to make them less wearable by being too out there either.

Turns out I have the perfect dress and bag (and another dress as well) to go with them. I love that this dress has a bit of a vintage-y feel to the fabric and cut (I know it’s short, but overall, vintage-esque), but the overall look is still modern.

I look surly, yes? I was tired. I saw a news report the other day that said insomniacs are THREE TIMES more likely to just DROP DEAD. So that’s fun. I might just drop dead on you any day now!

It has been so humid here that hair only looks good up. Why, hello Texas Summer! I am not super pleased to see you. I preferred your friend Perfect Spring.
Dress, Target
Cardigan, AA
Bag, Lush
Shoes, vintage
Necklaces, various including Wendy Brandes Isabella Wolf Fang Necklace
Don't drop dead!!!! I'd miss ya. :(
Also, there is SO MUCH PERFECTION in this outfit. It pains me how wonderful those shoes are, and they look beyond fab with that dress. And bag. Good god I love it!
That is crazy news about insomniacs! You're such a looker. Those shoes are outstanding on you!
I love the whole "get up". are not allowed to complain about humidity in Dallas! I live in humidity hell in Houston...all other complaints of humidity are therfore null and voiod:)
When I want to breathe, I have to drive to Dallas to do it! Summer is already hell here!
Those shoes are amazing, and they look great with the dress and bag.
The dress is lovely and so perfect with the shoes! For laces, I'd go with maybe a deep olive green? It would add interest while keeping them pretty neutral! I used to be the worst insomniac in college and now I fall asleep in like 5 minutes, I think it's because I'm just happy and stress free now compared to then!
I love those laces, and vote for ironing. Such a great pair of heeled oxfords - love the low vamp!
I'm with Sally, and vote for ironing the original laces. The shoes are beautiful, and such a great color! I'm on the hunt for cognac shoes of any style :)
I'm in Florida, so I'm right there with you on the humidity. I think I forget just how hot and muggy it gets every year until it's here... It's like the fifth ring of Hades down here, and it's only June!
It sounds like you and I can drop dead together then, b/c I cannot sleep. I swear I am going to stab someone.
LOVE the shoes.
I, too, love the shoes, especially after you explain how buttery soft the leather is. The olive green laces suggested above sound gorgeous.
What if you had a few pairs of laces - or ribbons, or other cute fabrics - and switched 'em up depending how much is going on in other parts of your daily outfits? Also, I know it's totally impractical, but I really love a soft cream with that colour brown/camel. Could that work at all with your aesthetic?
Those shoes are indeed lovely, especially with the outfit. I like the ribbony look of the laces. I would iron them (seems so strange) or replace them with something just as ribbony, I think.
Also, not to add to the burden of not sleeping, but insomniacs apparently die younger. I, too, barely sleep, but, you know, those whom the gods love and all. Anyway, I'm sure you've thought of this, but seeing a doctor may help. Insomnia might be a symptom of something else or there might be something a dr. can prescribe in the short term to get your sleep habits back on track. You know, if you don't mind that route.
You don't look like you haven't slept, if that is any consolation whatsoever.
LOVE those shoes. Oh my gah, they look so amazing with that outfit too!
Sooo much love ~ <3~!
Those shoes are darling! I might be tempted to use navy or sky blue colored ribbons as ties, if you opt out of ironing the originals (which look great as well).
Heavy grosgrain ribbon might be great for laces on those exquisite shoes. Then you could change out the colors depending on your mood and outfit. Best of all, it is cheap! Cut the ribbon on an angle, then *carefully* run the cut edge through a flame of a candle or lighter to seal off the edges. Or you could just dab on some clear nail polish on the ends. I've used both techniques to keep ribbon looking clean.
By the way, your legs are slammin' in that dress!
I just love every single piece of this outfit! You look fantastic!
That outfit goes perfectly with those shoes! They are so cute. I love them as they are so I would go with ironing the original laces. Although I do really like the idea of maybe switching the laces up depending on what you are going to wear them with, but that could end up being a lot of work. I like the deep cream suggesstion too, but I wonder how long laces that color would look clean.
Shocking news about insomniacs. I guess I will have to be extra careful.
oh my gosh, those shoes!!!!!!! So perfect!
You know, I saw this thing that might interest you (not for these shoes though, as the leather looks too nice for this suggestion). There was this old lady who passed away recently and left $4.5 million to her town. They talked about how she was super frugal, and one thing they pointed out was that she refused to buy new laces for her shoes. Instead she repurposed zippers from old coats and used those as laces. It actually was kind of a cool look, and it seemed like something you might like to try.
You look adorable!
Since you don't need the laces to actually keep the shoes on, what about colored ribbon? You could change it out to coordinate with different outfits fairly cheaply.
I don't suppose you know if Austin is terribly humid? I hope to be moving there from a state that gets all 4 seasons soon, and I am a bit nervous about the oppressive heat.
Robin's idea to use the heavy ribbon is exactly what I was thinking.
And yes, Dallas pales in comparison to the hellish heat here in Houston - UGH!!!!!
Free shoes are the best shoes - especially when they look as gorgeous as these! I'm in the iron the laces camp.
Loving those shoes sick! And please don't get me started on how much I love your complexion!! I've ranted on before on how much I love your skin, so I shall refrain this time, lest you think of me as a crazy stalker.
I love how the blue goes so beautifully with the colour of the shoes. What about ribbon/laces of a similar blue colour?
How lucky (and nice of her!) about the shoes. They perfect this outfit!
Nice to see you blogging! :-) I love the colors in that outfit and I agree with those who've suggested playing with different shades of ribbon to go with outfits--like blue w/this dress! (But do keep the original laces too...they're pretty!) Well, Sara's comment cracked me up as I too am an insomniac; maybe we need to form a Crabby Insomniac's Society? LOL And no...I don't think you look tired either, actually. I do know how it feels, fact it's 2:30 now, time to go lay there and meditate. *pfft* Lastly, I find myself wishing you lived closer, because I have so much lovely stuff I'm looking at clearing out this summer (I used to have a store, plus I'm a hoarder and trying-to-reform shopaholic) and you'd be tremendously fun to give stuff to. Darn it. How small ARE your feet? if you don't mind saying...
I love those shoes! Can you shorten the laces? Otherwise I like them.
love the shoes, and love the bag, but not together. Those shoes call for a smaller or clutch type bag, and one that is not so matchy matchy. Maybe it is just me, but in this case, the newer bag and the older shoes just do not set each other off.
As for the laces, I would trim them a little and iron. Best to keep them original.
Those shoes are adorable, and particularly so with that dress. And I've got a great idea -- you should come to San Francisco too! I promise our summers are much cooler than in Texas.
Oh my gosh.
Please don't drop dead!
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