I can see how you might be confused. That is not a super clear picture and I mean, a hair band is a hair band is a hair band without a logo, right?

And the back is not a lot more helpful. I had to point to just where the band name is before anyone could really tell who it was.

I felt like an extra from “Dazed and Confused”. Those earrings are pretty great too, they are basically tiny wind chimes that tinkle every time I move my head. Very occasionally it is problem, and I miss something someone said because I moved my head while they were talking, but mostly it is just a really pleasant thing to listen to all day.
Can we talk about those shoes please? They are really pretty. And they go with almost everything. But they hurt. Right at the very front of the shoes they rub my toes along the edge. I think I am going to try putting some moleskin along the edge unless you all have a better suggestion. The shoes are suede but the lining where they touch my feet is, unfortunately, man made.
Journey Tee, Vintage and thrifted by Nate
Jeans (denim leggings), ANA at JCPenny
Shoes, Target
Bag, LUSH, secondhand
Bag charm, Tokidoki, gift from Alannah
Earrings, gift from Alannah
Swatch, vintage and thrifted by Nate
I love the tee!!! No suggestions on the shoes I'm afraid, but they do look loverly!
I totally knew who that was on your shirt (esp. with the artwork), but then again Escape was the 2nd or 3rd record I bought as a kid!
I love that you wear those earrings. I think they are so you!
Try taking the shoes to a cobbler or shoe repair shop. They have a nifty tool that they can use to soften up and stretch tough shoes. I'm not sure if the man-made material will be problematic, though. If nothing else, they may have other good suggestions to make the shoes more comfortable!
I've had some sweet success with the moleskin plan; a pair of shoes that ripped my feet to shreds all last summer are so very bearable now.
Also, I covet that t-shirt so very much. So. Very. Much.
Don't stop believing. (Have you seen the musical Rock of Ages? It's repertoire is Journey rich!)
Those jeans look rockin' on you! I hear you on the Target shoes - I have the same pair and they kill me by the end of the day! If you figure out how to make them better, please share!
Begin Rant,
Why oh why bother making a shoe leather or suede if the inside is manmade? Seriously..>WHYYYY??? Are you dumb? One of my biggest pet peeves...ugh.
I like your outfit though
Ummm...is is it weird that I am commenting on this post when Iknow will see you later today!?!?
Weird...huh! I can't wait to see you!
Love the vintage rock tee!
...off to another meeting:)
Ohmygoodness I ADORE that Journey tee! It looks like the softest, most comfiest thing ever. <3!
I don't know what it says about me but I saw it and yelled JOURNEY and my coworker looked like I was insane.
I'm usually mostly a lurker but just had to comment on this one. I knew it was Journey right away without a doubt. Of course, my age helps with that- I graduated from high school in 1986. I love all of your rock outfits and I actually have a thrifted Journey shirt too but it's not as old as this one.
I'd know who was on your shirt with one eye closed three miles away in a snow storm. I am OBSESSED. You have no idea how excited I got when I read your post title.
Haha i knew it was Journey - but mailny from the song .. and the fact that my beloved Joe (Def leppard) was not on your tee ;P
Sal xXx
How could they not see Steve Perry right up front??? Most famous schnoz in vintage rock, lol. Ah, the youth. Anyway, I love this outfit AND Dazed & Confused. :)
I think I like this outfit so much specifically BECAUSE you look like a Dazed & Confused extra! Everything about it just looks great.
Too bad the shoes hurt, they are really cute! I find that most Target shoes look great and are cheap but are usually uncomfortable :(
I have those shoes, I love those shoes, I wish I got the chance to wear them more! Love the jeans on you too!
The earrings were the first thing I noticed... fabulous. Then I zoomed in on the tee... Steve Perry! You're too cute :-) Sometimes with shoes we have to suffer to look good. It's tough being a girl!
OMG! Journey!!! And those shoes, awesome! I always use mole-skin.
Def-Leppard? Come-on! "Oh, very young!" ( Cat Stevens ;)
P.S. another tip may be that your foot is sliding downward as you walk? If so, pad those babies :) Heel pads by Dr.Scholl's are cushy and grabby.
Journey was the first concert I ever went to!
That yellow looks great on you.
I swear by paw paw ointment to stop rubbing. Just rub a little ointment on the part where your shoes rub and voila! It just glides right over.
I bet moleskin will be just the ticket!
Okay, maybe this is sacrilege, but I've been known to take an exacto knife and make tiny slits in manmade materials so that they have a teensy bit more give in certain areas. Be really careful not to cut through any stitches in the shoe. This works particularly well on tight spots, and only do one or two slits at first - don't overdo it.
If you decide to do this, I take no responsibility. :)
I have the same problem with sandals, and Hue foot tubes (found 'em at Nordstrom) really solve the problem: http://www.buzzillions.com/dz_440914_women_hue_foot_tube_2_pair_pack_reviews
I've also made my own out of old socks and tights.
OMG that shirt is amazing! i have been wanting a journey tee! what a great find :)
Where to begin? I love vintage band t-shirts so this outfit automatically appeals but I love how you’ve styled it up with heels. And wind chime earrings? How totally fabulous!
In England and Australia we have a brand called Party Feet that do rubber inserts to stick into your shoes so they don't move/rub. Do you have anything like that there? They come in a huge range of shapes so there is usually one that’s perfect for your problem (I even found a long thin one to stop a pesky sling back slipping.) I am in Australia next week so let me know if you want me to send you something hon.
I just watched the Glee finale today and now have to check out Journey's other material. I'd never even heard of them til Glee started.
I know I'm like a week late with this, but HOLY CRAP YOU HAVE A JOURNEY TEE!
this look is hoooot!!!!!! love jeans and a cute tee.
OHMYGOD!!! I'M DYING OVER THIS!!! I want every single thing right down to your shoes and earrings. You look totally kick ass and I love your hair like this. Gah!
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