I went to Target with $48 on a gift card. We went to a Target across town, because Nathan was shopping for 45s at the used bookstore over there (he has a DJ gig on Halloween at the Lakewood Lounge, come see him and
Marjorie spin!). This was the most well stocked Target ladies department I have ever seen. I could have dressed in clothes off the racks for a solid month and loved everything. In the end I came away with this dress and sweater combo…

Oh my. I love it. It’s girly and lacy and beautiful, but it feels like pajamas. I know it lacks a wait, but sometimes I am OK with that. I know my waist is there, I don’t need to define it as long as you can see my legs.

Comfort wise, it was like wearing pajamas, but I also felt super dressed up. Dressed up and comfy? That is pretty much always my goal!

Sweater, Dress, Socks and Boots, all Target
Bag, Lucky “stash” bag
I love this! That dress is fantastic, and I love the details on that sweater.
Love it! Does Target ship to Europe? I'm gonna find out now :p
Love. That dress is fabulous. It would also work really well with your military-style jacket, I think. Sort of the tough, yet girly look.
I just did some damage at Target myself.
That dress is so pretty on you and I LOVE the tall socks! I have boots just like those and I can never figure out how to wear them... I'm gonna have to go through your archives for some inspiration!
Oooh wow, so pretty. I adore those pieces so much and they look amazing together! Really really love this look. <3
Love it!! This may be my most favorite outfit of your's yet!
You look RADIANT in those photos! That outfit is definitely a winner! :-)
So pretty! I miss seeing you and your outfits on a daily basis.
Such a great outfit...love how you wore the socks and the boots to toughen up the lace dress!
I love this look like I love a good chocolate bar when I am sad. So basically you are sweet, you give me a sugar high, raise my libido and make my ass bigger...
Ugh... Erin you look great! You pull off monocromatic ALL grey better than anyone girlfriend! WURK IT!
That is a perfect fall look. I like the gray and brown.
I love the way the boots look with the socks!
I love how you did the knee socks with boots and echoed all the gray colors in the outfit! Such a pretty dress - yay for Target giftcards!
Small Time Style
The dress is lovely and so "you"!
I really like the OTK socks too - so stylin'!
The socks are a nice touch!
Kick-ass boots + lacy sweet dress = River Tam = AWESOME!!!
Great look. Isn't it amazing how Targets differ from location to location? Some of the stores have such a huge women's department. You look like you scored!
The Auspicious Life
And I couldn't imagine a more perfect combination ;)
Have a great Tuesday!
That's what would make my ribbed, big knit cardigan better - the buttony things that turn back the front (that made sense right?). Such a good outfit! Will you try it with other colour socks too?
Yup, totally jealous of this find.
Nice work!
I can totally see that dress over some black leggings & with a jean jacket!
Oh how I love that dress! And with the sweater it's perfect!!
I love pajama-feeling ensembles. And this one is FAB! I've got that bag in bright red and adore it ...
My FAVORITE of all your posts yet. I love the colors and the textures, but most of all, I love the socks.
The dress/sweater combo is super cute! Also, gotta LOVE target! I always buy more than I came in for whenever I go...but such is life sometimes:)
I love this outfit!! Might have to head over to Target and see if they have these items on the racks still...
Love the dress AND cardi! They both have such nice details and comfort is a plus!
This is very cute. I have a $25 Target giftcard, so I will be on the lookout for that dress. Adorable!
Gorgeousness! And the comfy is a total plus.
I LOVE that color palette. It reminds me of cloudy days :-) (and that's a good thing!)
What a pretty dress! And that sweater will be very versatile.
What a lovely dress! I love your shades of gray here...I'm a gray fan too.
How cute!! I think this is my fav outfit of yours:)
LOVE the over the knee socks....gray lover too...so this is a "10" in my book:)
Great job!!
Enter my Tulle Giveaway♥
I've been looking at this dress for a few weeks and had no I idea how to wear it! Thanks for the inspiration.
What a gorgeous dress, Erin!!
I really like that dress & am wondering if that would work on me (as a tunic) right now... :)
I love the outfit, the dress and those socks are awesome!
super cute - love it all :)
You have a nice color combination and got the right accessories.
vivienne westwood melissa
That sounds perfect! Comfortable and dressed up. You look awesome!
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