But look at my sassy outfit!

Check out those heels. I almost never wear them anymore, because they are too high for my old lady feet to deal, but oh my goodness, they are so cute, and such high quality.

I think they are the most perfect grown up Mary Janes I’ve ever seen. I like that they have a substantial heel, and the leather on them is so nice. They even have leather wrapped heels.

Not bad for a bargain store, yeah? And honestly, as far as heels go, they are pretty comfy. I can handle them for one day at a time. I just can’t wear them several days in a row like I used to. I’ve had these for at least 3 years I think, and they still look almost brand new. And I used to wear them non-stop.

I did not have such good luck with the tights though. I went with the cheaper brand (Xhilaration vs Merona) and I noticed a HUGE difference in quality. I’ll not buy them again. They are really no sturdier than plain old panty hose and I’m too clumsy for that. I need a tight with some strength and substance to it!~
I took a lot of pictures today.

My good friend Bernadette also has this dress. I am not one to care though if we have the same things. I am never upset when I turn up at work or a party in the same dress as another girl. I tend to be more amused and then interested in the different styling choices we both made. I know I shop at big stores and chances are someone else I know did too. Bernadette styles this dress completely different than I do, and I enjoy seeing that. Also, she has a better butt, and fills it out a little better than I do. True, true.

That used to be a necklace from Old Navy. I rearranged some of the beads, and shortened it. I never once wore it as a necklace. I just never felt right in it, but as a bracelet, I wear it a lot.
This is my favorite combination of necklaces right this second. (Due to change in 5,4,3,2…)

I’m still very proud of how the multi-chain necklace came out and I am just so in love with the locket watch.
Dress, tights, belt and shoes, Target
Multi-chain necklace, self made
Bracelet, self made
Watch pendant finkgifts.etsy.com
You look great today! I am particularly enjoying your modified bracelet. And are you legs 8 miles long, b/c they look it. Consider me jealous b/c I have stumps.
I feel naked without a watch. I slightly panicked this morning when I couldn't find it. And I have that dress in green. I think its the same one. I've only worn it once though! It's pretty short without tights!
That is a seriously fantastic color on you, lady. Also, I had no idea that Merona was the higher quality Target brand ... you'd think after all these years of shopping there I'd have figured it out.
You are so crafty! I'm still eying that pocket watch :) I need to find one for me.
Sassy is the right word....you look great. The whole thing is wonderful....and you're right, those shoes are superb.
LOVE those shoes.
Love those shoes, there similar to mine i'm wearing today - only higher :)
I have been bitten and am intruiged by the fashion blog world. I have been a closet follwer of many fashion blogs for a while now and have been inspired to start my own. It seems like a great way to "push" your own personal fashion boundries while getting encouragement and critisism from fellow fashion bloggers, while forming new friendships. Anywhoo.... check it out if you like
That color looks great on you and I agree those are the most perfect mary-janes! :)
You look great in purple. :)
love the dress, love the shoes. you look amazing, per usual, my dear.
nice outfit! I love the colour of the dress!
I have that dress too!! Kermit would call it my Michelle Obama dress. I love that watch pendant, too.
I own that dress as well, in blue. I've been trying to figure out the best color sash to put with it because the one it came with just is not doing it for me. I LOVE your jewerly; I could never pull off the multi-necklace look but it looks terrific on you!
I could DIE when I forget earrings. It's one of my least favourite things ever. The only thing worse is forgetting rings!
Those shoes are perfect--I would buy a vegan version in a second!
Love the dress especially. I'm from Canada and we have no Target. Every time I'm down in the US, I'm way too pumped to go to Target.... good stuff...
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