Hey there!~ I am so sorry to have dropped out of the blogosphere without so much as a goodbye. I woke up Wednesday with a 100.1 degree fever and a head to toe rash. I went to the Dr and they said they thought I MIGHT have the flu and that I was also having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. The rash has been getting worse each day until today when it seems to be fading but yesterday, at its peak it was more like an really intense sunburn. I was boiling hot and freezing cold, my skin itched and burned like you would NOT believe and the fever has just ZAPPED all the strength out of me. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus on TV or books and was just basically miserable. My fever broke around 4 PM today so hopefully I’ll be back on my game Monday so check back. I miss you guys. Stay Fabulous.
Oh no! Get well soon...being sick sucks.
hope you get well soon
I'm sorry to hear that! The same thing happened to me back in college - took antibiotics for 10 days for a sinus infection and broke out horribly in hives the last day. Turns out I'm allergic to sulfa. The bad news is you either break out right away or at the end. At the end means it takes longer b/c the medicine has been in your system for 10 days. I feel for you - I've never forgotten that experience! I hope you feel better soon!
Oh no! I do hope you get better soon! (hugs)
When you do get back, come on over and did you enter my giveaway?
Just a reminder if you haven't seen it.
How HORRIBLE! I hope you feel better soon
Oh geez, sounds terrible. You take all the time you need to recover; you're in my thoughts!
I was wondering what happened to you! Praying you feel better soon.
Gosh, you poor dear. Sounds awful. I hope you keep getting better.
I am so sorry to hear you are sick. :( I hope you feel better soon hun!
Hope you feel better soon! xoxo
Get some rest and feel better soon!!!
Missed you last night at the Horsie House, now I know why. Hope you get to feeling better real soon, miss your blogs. Can't wait til the 24th!
Get well soon.
Erin that is insane! I hope you feel better soon, I want to see your sparkly butt! :)
I hope that you are feeling much better!
:( I hope you feel better soon!
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