Recently I saw a few Golden Snitch necklaces on Etsy and I thought that they were really cute! I thought “hey, I want one of those” but I also thought “dude, I have wings, and I have brass balls!*”
So last night I set about making a Golden Snitch of my own, and it turned out to be a lot more difficult that I thought it was going to be!

But look how cute!~

There was MUCH fussing about and putting together and pulling apart and putting it back together. I tried all different combinations of the two wing sizes and the two jump ring sizes I had. Then I had to determine placement. It ended up working best with large wings with small jump rings at a FIXED place on the chain, and a large jump ring on the ball in between (not fixed).

I’m super pleased with the result.

I have already had one request for one at work, and I think I have materials to make two more than that for the store if there is interest, but I just love how it came out.
*ehehehehe. Brass balls. eheheheheh
this looks *amazing*!
That's so pretty! You should definitely make those in your shop. Maybe in silver too?
"dude, I have wings, and I have brass balls!"
Oh Erin, you slay me!
It came out *great*! I wonder if wearing one would elevate me from just a regular dork to someone who is dorky they've come back around to cool again...
I love this! I need this. Now you've got me poking around etsy for one of my own. Fab idea!
Oh that is adorable!
I just love that necklace! So cute. I would love to have one of my own. So adorable!!
yay! very pretty!
I don't even really like Harry Potter and I want one of these!
Please let us know if they become available. :)
I think you're going to need to order more materials.
You clever lady - love it! And I'm sure you'll have more demand than you can meet for those lovelies.
You said brass balls, hehehe.
It's cute btw.
haha, sorry, i'm usually a lurker, but i LOVE this, and if you have the materials, i would really like to order one from you. yes? i'm sort of a potter maniac...
also, i'm linking you. yay :) hope that's okay.
I wanna snitch I wanna snitch I wanna snitch I wanna snitch.
Grab your wings, grab your brass balls and make me one...asap.
HA! grab your brass balls.
Seriously, how much?
Could we perhaps talk about a possible trade?
I had no idea you guys were such Potter nerds*! (hello pot? this is the kettle, you're black, BTW.)
I have totally ordered supplies and you guys will be the first to know when they are available. I will list them at $30.
*except Kasmira who just has good taste.
I KNOW RIGHT? How do you not laugh at that.
Jasie VanGesen,
Im sorry, but I cannot do them in silver, it would be sacrilege!
You = genius. And yeah, I totally laughed out loud when you said "I have the brass balls". Your blog (ie Fashion AND comedy)... who can beat it?
Super cute!
I actually didn't even know what it was until I started reading the comments. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a Harry Potter person, either.
Still, though. CUTE. And I'm fairly sure I'd end up snickering about the brass balls all day.
I want one too! Be sure to post when they are available.
hahahaha you're hilarious, and that is a freaking adorable necklace. LOVE IT.
Love that necklace!
I'm glad you giggled about brass balls at the end of your post... I need to grow up but that's funny... V. cute necklace!!!
Erin are you trying to get ALL my money? I DEMAND one of these!!! hehe. I'd like to get this in addition to the razor bracelet and the bee earings that I've mentioned before. Do you want me to order them all off Etsy once you get more snitches made or shall we get together in person (at the Monk, maybe)?
Oh My god.
love it, and want it!!! you need to get some more supplies!
I love it! I want it!
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