Thursday, May 13, 2010

Everyone Thinks She’s A Bit Of Alright, But I Think That She’s Not So Nice

I look like I am sleeping in all my pictures today, and I pretty much was. I am starting the day with a double dose of caffeine in the form of a Red Thunder (Aldi’s version of sugar free Red Bull) and a Diet Dr. Pepper. I have had a raging case of insomnia for…oh ever. At least a year. I wake up around 3 AM and am awake until about 6:45 AM and then my alarm goes off at 7:40 AM. I don’t drink caffeine after noon most days, only if I am absolutely desperate or it’s the weekend. So it’s not that. I’m 99.99% sure it’s just a nasty combo of stress and anxiety, but who knows!

May 13

Today is sort of an ode to things I couldn’t REALLY afford, but bought anyway, and ended up really redeeming themselves in the cost per wear category.

May 13

I bought that dress for my birthday dinner this year, and while it was only about 18 bucks, I really couldn’t afford it at the time. It turned out to be a great “investment” though. I’ve gotten tons more wear out of it than I could have guessed. Speaking of 18 dollar dresses. A good indication that your dress was only 18 dollars? A super uneven hem. A good indication that you don’t even CARE? You are me.

May 13

Of course that Wendy B piece wasn’t cheap! I did sell stuff to raise the money, but honestly the smart thing to do would have been to sell the stuff and keep the money. But the joy that piece brings me was worth both the things I sold to get it, and the money I should have saved. I will have it forever and consider it both a signature and go-to piece. It makes any outfit extraordinary as soon as I put it on.

May 13

I’ve had these awhile and when I got them I paid full price for them from a Victoria’s Secret catalog. I mean, really? Who does that? I mean, you know like 99% of that stuff is going to go on sale, but you know what? I watched and I never saw these on sale so I win. My instinct was right. And if you did see them on sale keep it to yourself, and allow me my belief in my small victory. I cannot imagine my summer wardrobe without these sandals. I wear them all the time. They are flattering, slightly edgy and really well made. And comfortable, which in the end, is what matters most!~

What are some things you maybe should not have bought, but did? Did they work out? Do you have treasures you couldn’t really afford but bought anyway?

Dress, Target
Belt, swap
Bracelet, I am too lazy to look it up, but some online store I was largely disappointed with.
Sandals, Victoria’s Secret
Isabella Wolf Fang Necklace, Wendy Brandes


C said...

Well, your investment pieces go together beautifully. I love that dress!

And I'm sorry you haven't been sleeping well lately. Warm milk? Sheep counting? That's all I've got...

Kelly said...

Re: Insomnia, my friends on Good Morning America said that if you lay there for more than 10 minutes without falling asleep, you should get up and go into another room and read a book, watch tv, exercise, whatever. It's to train your body that bed = sleeping. However, they didn't mention what to do about being a lazy bum who is too tired to actually get out of bed.

Re: expensive purchase that turned out really well. I would have to say my two pairs of Born boots. I paid more for the first pair than I really should have, but you know how much I wear those. I worry they are going to wear out next winter and then where will I be? Born hasn't put out another flat, black boot I love. Also, my Nine West gladiators are awesome. They make me fall in Gloria's, but my legs look awesome when I do.

gina said...

I love the sandals!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who watches coveted items like a hawk. Glad you sprung for the sandals - they are killer.

Anonymous said...

You have the best investment pieces!

I have two pairs of shoes that I bought full price- my floral Doc Martens and my emerald green Frye boots. I watched both of them for what seemed like ages, and I just watched size after size disappear while they never went on sale. So, I just did it! In my mind, it was the right thing to do. :)

GFS said...

I really like this ensemble Erin. I love that it's not matchy, matchy and there are some subtle elements of flowers/studds and snake skin!

Me likey. And as far as buying things that I have no damn business buying. It would probably be the 3 belts I just bought this morning from Target that were 3.74 each. And I admit to buying some Pour La Victoire sandals Sunday that I am going to wear out this summer. They were 50 bucks at Marshall's but they are still like 175 bucks online.

Win for me. Lose for my bank account.

LaShaune said...

Ok- I'm going to be super honest here. I bought my car last year. It was terribly expensive (for me) and I didn't need it because my 1982 Volvo ran just fine. But ya know what - I LOVE my new car. It's the first (and only) new car I've ever purchased. Yeah, I could do so much more with the car payment instead of sending it to Nissan, but I really really love my car.

FutureLint said...

Those sandals were a good pick - I love them! And the Wendy B? You'll wear it FOREVER! I have quite a few things that I just couldn't resist and probably couldn't afford - the biggest one is my Alexander McQueen skirt - SO expensive, by FAR the most costly thing I own other than my Macbook... BUT! I DON'T CARE! WORTH IT to own a piece that he designed, I told my sister she better start popping out some girls so I have someone to will it to when I die/get to fat for it in my middle age!

Trisha said...

Like the ensemble, love the Kate Nash post title. :) Glad I stumbled on your blog!

Kendra said...

Oh I totally just did this like 2 weeks ago. There was this awesome leather jacket at LOFT, that I had admired as soon as it came out. But at $250 couldn't afford. I stalked it as it went on deeper and deeper clearance. Usually when I wait for things to go on sale, they run out of my size. But one day I go visit the jacket and it's on sale for $150, and they have it in my size. I try it on, then realize it's an addition 50% off. I ended up getting it for $80. More than I should have spent on anything right now, but I have zero remorse! ( And I have worn it like almost every day since LOL)

Anonymous said...

I wish I had some good investment pieces, but I tend to talk myself out of buying pricey things. Instead, I buy lots of little things that aren't that spectacular. To me, splurging is basically paying full-price for something. If I buy a dress that's over $20, that feels like a really big deal to me.

Unknown said...

I buy stuff I can't afford all the time, especially while I'm unemployed! I really tried to stick to my "no-shopping ban" til July, but the spring/summer stuff is already on sale!!! My latest oopsy was a pair of super high booties from F21, which I flogged myself for, and eventually took back, as I couldn't walk in them! Thirty buck is too much to pay for a good sitting shoe. I love your floral dresses and I too feel that a purchase over 20 is too much,too :)

Rad said...

Eek, I may have bought a few (or more than a few) thrifted items today that I probably should not buy (there may be temporary pay cuts at my job this summer. Dang recession!) But look at how awesome these pieces look on you. Love the dress and sandals!

WendyB said...

I feel you on the insomnia!

Lesa said...

I love the dress! First of all anbout your insomnia--my life resolves around Red Bull and Diet Coke, so I feel your pain, and for those who say get up and read-ha! I love to read so much it wakes me up even more. I amnot working now, but when I was, those three o clock wake ups are killer because you just lay there saying"I gotta go to sleep, because I am going to be miserable tomorrow and that wakes you up even more. Am I right?

As for shopping for more than I can afford. I was so proud of myself this week because I waited for the Gap Chambray shirt to go on sale, turns out it came with a flaw, now I have to return it.

Most of my splurges are handbags (my daughter has put me on a one year ban!) and shoes.

ThriftyMomma said...

Hiya. Again, love your blog. From someone who has horrible insomnia and chaotic life extreme-I found Tylenol PM gelcaps-over the counter and they WORK. You don't get that hangover feeling in the morning if you happen to not get a full 8hrs like prescription pills. Supposedly non-habit forming etc... Gotta get those ZZZZZZZZZ's plus sleeping well reduces Anxiety so it's a win win situation.

Lou said...

Oh don't talk to me about insomnia! I don't drink caffeine at all and I still struggle most nights. I feel like when I'm awake I'm always tired and when I'm trying to sleep I'm wide awake.
Anyway, to the clothes: I would LOVE a Wendy B piece, it's one of my ultimate wish list pieces. I love gold though, and that's a whole other price bracket!
I love this combo of florals and studs. They juxtapose/complement perfectly.

Kyla said...

I LOVE this so much! It's so girly, but bad ass at the same time. Does it get any better than that?! I think you spent your money well. These pieces are fantastic - I dye every time you wear those shoes!


I love ur sandals.
You def got style of ur own.