It’s supposed to be in the 90’s today! But my office is like a Frigidaire, so I am still rocking a jacket and boots. I am going to be out pretty much all day so I wanted to make sure I would be comfortable anywhere. I am working (with a break for celebratory Mexican food at lunch!) and then we have what may be our last half price food night at Meridian Room with Nick and Colleen before they move out to San Francisco, and then after that we have to do the grocery shopping we put off on Monday before the situation gets dire and we start eating Klondike bars for dinner.

That can is a Sugar Free Red Thunder, from Aldi. It’s basically a generic version of Sugar Free Red Bull, and a co-worker discovered them for me. It’s a huge budget saver. I was thisclose to having to give up my morning Red Bull because we just can’t afford it anymore. If I buy them in the 12 pack, they are about $1.60 each. The Aldi version is a buck each. So that’s almost half the cost, and they taste pretty much just the same, so I was really stoked to get them!

I’m cheating and wearing a sports bra again. It just seems so much less offensive peeking out than a “regular” bra, it’s so super comfortable and it doesn’t feel binding at all, the way my Strap Perfect sometimes can. I totally hear those of you that mentioned that it’s not super flattering, and I am sure the flat chested 11th grade version of me would be absolutely mortified that I was not taking full advantage of my new and improved* boobs, but I’m not so fussed about it, to be honest.
I know some of you have expressed interest in getting a better look at my tattoos, and someday I’ll oblige, but for now, I have some things I need to do before I’m comfortable with that, some touch ups and cover ups and what not. But someday, I promise!

I need to make an effort to wear these earrings more often, because they are beyond cool, and I love them.
*I didn’t get boobs until I was well into my 20’s. I was an A cup (but I wore a B out of pride!) until then. They came with my weight gain, but they mercifully stuck around after I lost the weight.
Jacket, Forever XXI via Lara
Dress, Target
Boots, Target
Bag, vintage Coach, Thrifted by Nathan
Earrings, www.PersephonePlus.etsy.com
I love you blog, check out mine about fashion too!
Those earrings are fantastic! love them paired with the floral...it's unexpected and AWESOME!
I love your blog! It's one of the few fashion blogs that I've found really useful for inspiring my wardrobe! :)
I am also guilty of wearing a sports bra. In fact, I'm wearing one right now. I guess I like them because the straps don't look so sleazy when they're out, and it's about as close to being braless as possible.
I am envious of the fact that you're still able to wear boots! I'm in College Station, and it's already become unbearably humid and gross outside. Love the boots while you can!! :)
You rock a cute denim jacket like no other. That baby just found a very loving new home.
That dress is really flattering, and the jacket looks great with it.
This is such a cute outfit! I have both the dress and the boots (great minds think alike I guess lol), and I could never figure out how to style the dress. After seeing your post, I think I might try to pair it with a fitted jean jacket. It looks great!
Klondike bars for dinner sounds good actually.
Ah! Love those ruffles paired with the biker boots...
I'm in love with those earrings and have adored this dress for a long time!!! P.S. I searched the "W" site for your photo and couldn't find it anywhere. I have their e-mail if u want it ;)
You always look so great : ) Fantastic!
PS I freaking LOVE sports bras...
I'm a sucker for moto style jackets.
You have such great thrifting finds. I can never get that lucky.
LOVE this dress!
I love so much about this look - the sweet floral dress, the tough moto jacket and boots, the awesome skeleton earrings...
and I'm glad we're not the only ones who end up eating Klondike bars for dinner sometimes. As summer progresses and it gets hotter, it gets to be a more and more tempting idea.
Yay for free cute jacket! I love the boots with the layery dress! I was the same way, totally flat until college, then POP! Boob city.
I love that dress, and I love how you styled it! It really looks great.
Major score with that jacket! I love how you paired is and I'm SUCH a huge fan of that dress! IT looks great on you.
very cute, though I'd have worn this with a slightly oversized faded and even frayed in places Levi's traditional denim jacket.
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