I was home sick yesterday, and I feel very much like both my outfit and my face today say “I was home sick yesterday and I don’t really feel like being here.” Such is life.

I don’t think I’ve worn that tee on the blog before, have I? I got it for my birthday, and it is so soft it feels like vintage. And I love the boxy cropped shape of it.

I tried to keep it from being narcolepticly boring by wearing some cool accessories.

OK. So let’s talk about Struggle to Fit Into My Skinny Pants.
I’m not doing well. I’ve really struggled both last week and this week. I’ve had some things going on in my personal life that have been really bringing me down. I’ve had trouble just getting out of bed most days. And I feel terrible because this week I am giving you much the same update as last week, which is “I did not do well, I’ll try again” but I can’t lie to you about it, that’s not the point. And I know that you know I am a real person and I have more going on than personal style blogging.
I am hesitant to get into the details because, well, this is not that kind of blog. I come here to have fun, and I assume you come here for the same reason. I don’t write this blog to hash out my deep personal feelings or to get all Debbie Downer on you. So I’ll just say, I’m struggling with some things. It’s making me very tired and very prone to eating Mac & Cheese. I hope it gets better soon. Because those pants are not getting any bigger.
Tee, Forever XXI
Denim Leggings, ANA by JCPenney
Sandals, Victoria’s Secret
Bag, Steve Madden
Earrings, self made
Bangle, vintage
XOXO bracelet, gift
Beaded bracelets, self made
My work did the same thing recently. Although, I could get to most blog sites but most of the pics wouldn't show (and what fun is reading a fashion blog w/o pics?! lol) For some reason I was blocked completely from your blog, but I tried this week and here I am!
Anyway, I hope things get better for you!
I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes the thought of getting out of bed and having a productive day seems completely beyond my reach, and when I go to update my blog I'm never sure if I want to bring it up or skip over my darker days. If you ever want to talk to a stranger about anything you know where to find me! Also, you look amazing, as always. Aaaand, I'm actually having mac & cheese for dinner. :)
Oh, sweet Erin, I'm sorry that life has been getting you down lately. I totally know the feeling, and as much as we all hate to admit it, there are few things in life that a big bowl o' mac & cheese can't fix.
But on to happier things. That shirt is by far the MOST badass, awesome shirt ever. I love it. It makes me want to hug you. Would that be okay?
So sorry you're going through a rough patch.
At least you can rest your head on the pillowy awesomeness that is that Steve Madden bag. Adore!
SO much love to you, sweet girl. <3
That shirt is perfection, by the way! LOVE it on you.
Hang in there chica, you will get through it, I know it!! *hug*
I can totally relate though... I have some serious work BS going down, and I am still living with my ex (after breaking off a 7 year relationship), because I can't quite afford a new place yet. Talk about awkward..... ugh.
Anyway, thinking of you! The pants aren't going anywhere... take care of yourself mentally and emotionally, and the physical stuff can be worked on later. No judgements!
Sorry that you're having a tough time. When I'm dealing with stress I head right for bed and comfort foods too. You look awesome, so don't worry about the skinny pants until things are better for you.
Love the shirt. Very rock and roll!
So I don't know the situation but I can relate! I'm also dealing with annoying emotional stuff that I wish I didn't have (and it doesn't help that every around me seems so freakin' carefree. Oh well). I'm sure you have lots of lovely friends and support to help you, but you know that your blog readership also cares about you. (And it probably doesn't matter much, but for what it's worth, I think you're beautiful and wouldn't change a thing about you. Also, I understand the magical comforting qualities of mac n' cheese).
Love the shirt! Boo to work blocking blogger.
Hang in there! Hoping very much that things get better for you soon :-)
That shirt is the very definition of excellence. It looks great on you!
Also, I'm sorry that you've been going through a bit of a rough spot, I hope you get to feeling better soon! If it's any consolation, you still look absolutely rockin'!
Every journey has a few bumps in the road. Sometimes you recover from them quickly, sometimes it takes longer. What matters is taking care of YOU, and sometimes you need to spend time not worrying about fitting into your skinnies in order to do that.
No one is going to jugde you or hold it against you. And if they do, they are obviously silly poopie heads.
Love that bag!
I hate it when work tries to stop people from doing non-work things!
I'm new to your blog and I've admired your kick-ass style. And you're beautiful hair. And your jewellery-making abilities (love those geode earrings). Sorry to hear about the tough times but I think that getting out of bed and eating, trying to get a decent night's sleep and not beating yourself up over trifles is enough. Don't worry about the skinny jeans. You look gorgeous, just as you are.
Love this shirt.
I hope you can hang in there. "This too shall pass" and all.
I also enjoy the soothing taste of (vegan) mac n' cheese.
I'm so sorry things are kind of tough for you right now. I hope you know we're all rooting for you.
As for the skinny pants, Ive been trying to lose the same five pounds for months. I make a little progress, and then take massive steps backwards.
I love those beaded bracelets. They are awesome! Did you make them on stretchy thread or fixed wire?
Oh, so much to say ...
First, I LOVE that t-shirt and pretty much this whole look from head to toe. Totally my kind of get up.
Second, you should totally quit your job. JUST kidding! I can completely understand their new policy, though - I definitely did a LOT more blog reading when I was working 9-5 at a computer. Oopsie!
Third, we are only human. It is not about how good or bad you did last week (and for the record, I hate labeling our intentions as "bad" - shit just happens sometimes), it's about how you will try again and not give up. I hope things look better for you soon. Hang in there, lady!
I love your earrings, they are fantastic!
I love the tee - that graphic is amazing! I know what you mean, losing weight is SO SO SO hard and I appreciate that you are being honest about your struggle (without oversharing)... it's something I feel like is always on my mind (I should lose 5lbs, I should lose 5lbs... which is annoying!)
Egad. I don't know what I would do if my college blocked blogger site! I'd have to mutiny.
I really love those earrings.
I think we need a challenge to discover ways to maintain our motivation when life gets in the way.
Hang in there, Doll. It's gonna get better really soon.
I'm sorry to hear things aren't at their best right now. Sending you hugs and as my mom tells me - It's all going to be okay. Sometimes I just repeat that to myself (even if I have to do it through tears), and it helps.
Boo for the crappiness. If you need to have a bitch session, I'm available. On the bright side, you're purse has got me all hot and bothered.
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