Friday night we never did watch any of those movies. We got distracted by the Discovery Health Channel, which was running Hoarders and Addicted. It’s like a train wreck and we couldn’t look away!

We did manage to watch Fantastic Mr. Fox last night though, and it was delightful! A Wes Anderson picture through and through. Our favorite line was “No you’re not, you’re disloyal.” I am a huge Jason Schwartzman fan, and his delivery through the whole film was spot on, but that line was priceless.

I can only handle so much fun though, and last night I was exhausted! I decided to make a ramen pancake for dinner because they are so super easy*. But when I went to get started I discovered we were out of ramen. I didn’t even know that could happen. I mean, we always have ramen. Last week there was a paper bag on the doorstep and they asked us to fill it up for the food bank and set it back outside, which I did, and I guess I gave the food bank all of the ramen. I tell you what, we are going to the grocery store today, because when you don’t even have ramen, you don’t have much, now do you?

No worries, it ended up OK, because we did have Colby jack cheese, tortillas, salsa and green onions. So I made a quesadilla. Not the height of nutrition, but adding salsa and green onions to the cheese before you cook it makes it a super good treat.
*Boil a packet of ramen noodles and drain. Beat one egg with the flavor packet from the noodles in a bowl. Add the noodles to the egg bowl and mix together. Add the ramen and egg to a hot skillet (sprayed with whatever) and cook until the egg sets and the ramen get brown crispy bits. Easy peasy. I also like to add mushrooms, green onion, shredded carrot or whatever else I have. If you want to sauté veggies in the same pan, you can, and then just add the ramen and egg on top of that! It’s a super cheap dinner (we split one pancake) and it’s a great way to use up veggies.
Tee, American Apparel
Skirt, Target
Boots, Target
Belt, Vintage, Thrifted
Necklace, self made
Bag, Mexico
1) I love the casual and slightly Texas vibe of today's outfit.
2) Hoaders and Intervention will suck you in! I've not seen Addicted, but I can imagine, and now I'm going to have to check it out.
3) Ramen pancakes??!?!?!? Totally going to have to try this. I haven't bought ramen since college and I would LOVE an excuse to get some. Do you remember when they were 10 for $1? Seriously, that's how I afforded booze in college. Ramen kept me from starving and rest when to alcohol. Don't judge me. :)
4) It says so much about you that you guys decided to put out food for the food drive when I know your personal budget is so tight. Bravo, Girl. You are awesome and generous!
Agreed on the food bank comment from above.
That pancake sounds as delicious as you look. ;)
i third the food bank comment from tina.
i may have to wrestle up some ramen to try this easy peasy recipe! i used your cakeball recipe a few times, and they are an absolute HIT!
my roommie + i had TONS of ramen back in college at the end of the year, when people were moving out to go home, they would come around to college extra food + clothing to donate to charity and they wouldnt take our ramen because they already had way too much. heh -- makes me miss college. ;)
Fantastic boots!
Haha, the Ramen pancake is both so funny and super clever! We'll have to try it sometime :-)
I am dying over that purse. It's awesome - and works so very well with the wicked boots and bada$$ belt buckle!
I love the western vibe the belt gives everything and that ramen sounds awesome! How have I never heard of this before?!?!
Good gravy, that bag makes the PERFECT accessory!
I am so in love with that bag. Why, I'd almost fly to Mexico just to find one like it.
Cute necklace too. I like the look today.
Oh wow. That ramen pancake recipe sounds delicious! Thank you for posting it!
Isn't that Hoarders show insane? Whoa man.
This skirt really is so cute on you. I'm glad you wear it. I definitely do not look so very bella in a straight skirt.
Target boots? I need to visit!
That is such a great bag! And I can't stop watching Hoarders myself... I make my husband watch it to prove that my housekeeping is not nearly as awful as it could be.
I adored "Fantastic Mr. Fox". What a delightful movie.
You must see "Defendor" starring Woody Harrelson. I think you would like it.
the ramen pancake is GENIUS, i can't wait to try it!
and i love that bag :)
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