But this week I got an offer to run a giveaway so easy I almost can’t believe it. maurices has offered me this adorable tote to give away to one of my readers and all I have to do is tell you about the great promotion they have going on this weekend.
This weekend, when you spend $60 at maurices, you'll receive a FREE tote or pair of sunglasses.

And all YOU have to do to win one of the totes is to comment* and tell me what your favorite summer accessory is. It just so happens that this give-away is perfect for my blog, because my favorite summer accessories are totes and sunglasses. I have to wear contacts in order to wear sunglasses and they are both expensive and uncomfortable, but sometimes it is so worth it. Nothing makes me feel more glamorous than a giant tote bag, a flowy dress and a giant pair of shades!
It’s a quick one! I’ll draw a winner Monday!
*be sure I can contact you! Leave an e-mail address or check back Monday!
Sunglasses! Which reminds me, I should really look for a new pair :)
Definitely sunglasses!
Sunglasses and shade
I love me a good tote bag but the one thing I can't live with out is my flippy's, I own so many pairs of flip flops. I love having my feet exposed, and flippy's are the best way to do it. ~ Stephanie
Oh sunglasses, for sure! I can't stand super bright sunlight without them. My contacts make my eyes super sensitive.
oh, I LOVE a big floppy hat!
I like headbands and hair clips, so I can wear my hair up.
Sunglasses! They are my favorite!!!
"Fancy" sandals...comfy enough to wear everywhere, but a step above flip flops. <3
I agree with you on the sunglasses. My glasses are my every day staple, but I make an exception in the summer so I can look fab with my shades on.
Cute tank tops and shorts.
wesavemore at gmail dot com
Sunglasses although I need to buy new ones every year since my cat inevitably manages to scratch or otherwise damage mine.
Lemonade is essential for me through the summer...oh and straw fedoras!
I don't wear it too often, but I love pulling out my giant red sunhat for the beach or pool. Either that, or a margarita.
I've worked with Maurice's in the past and they are an amazing company. My favorite summer time accessory? Cardigans! I know it seems silly but there is nothing better than being able to keep a light-weight cardigan in my purse. Air Conditioned restaurants can be so chilly, and having a cute item handy can be a huge help. Not to mention how perfect they are for those summer fair's once the sun goes down.
Not really an accessory, but summer to me means pedicures. I love trying new shades of nail polish. I cannot stand seeing unpainted exposed toes! My current favorite is OPI's Lunch at the Delhi, a pretty brownish coral from the India collection.
Sunglasses are definitely my fav summer accessory!
Any kind of natural stone jewelry. I'm obsessed with turquoise and rock jewelry in the summer. I'm all about the jungle girl-chic look. :D
I'd say turquoise jewelry is my summer staple. Even though I wear it during any season I always associate it with summer and look forward to pairing with a light summery dress. :)
yourlastapology at gmail dot com.
i love cute sandals!
Sunglasses and earrings are my go-to accessories for the summer, I'm always afraid that if I wear necklaces or bracelets in summer I'll end up with weird tan lines. ;)
I love cute sandals, short shorts and a chic pair of sunglasses.
are tank tops an "accessory"? i don't know but those have my vote.
mykatjim at yahoo dot com
um....sandals and scarves! I wear glasses with a mild prescription, so I usually only wear sunglasses on the beach, and I have a GIANT head, so I only look longingly at hats. And I cut most of my hair off! Hmm...I need more sandals...
The handwoven basket from Belize that I use as a purse. It's cute, unique, and it bobbles when I walk.
flipflops! gotta break them out as soon as the snow melts! even if its only 40 outside!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com
My favorite summer accessory is a pair of great sandals. Although some of my sandals are more for "sitting" than "moving," they still look cute and keep my toes free!
can people from Brazil participate? if so, my favorite summer accessory must be big bright colored bags! that tote is pretty cute! i miss summer so much, it´s so cold down here right now.
I second the nail polish comment from above! I love to wear bright, summery colors on my toes and change it up frequently.
Oooh I need a new tote! By the way, I totally watched that spin pin tutorial video, fell in love, and promptly went to Wal Mart in search of them. I found them but I think my hair is still a bit too short. But I'm sure those little suckers will come in handy once my hair grows out a bit. They are so cool!
bathing suit! not because i really love them but because i love the water!!
my favorite summer accessory is a light-weight cardigan. Ever been freezing when the restaurant is 20 degrees colder than the temp outside?? Throw on your cardigan! Ever realize your skin is burning before your eyes because you forgot to put on sunscreen?? Throw on your cardigan. It's basically the "duct tape" of my summer wardrobe.
My fave summer accessory would have to be a tote! I love having something I can throw everything in without carrying multiple bags. I can carry a change of clothing after work, an extra pair of shoes, a book, etc etc.
Bright nail polish is my favorite thing! (as an aside, thanks for being true to yourself with sponsors, I see so many blogs shilling anything free they get and sometimes it is overwhelming to sift through that kind of garbage)
A cute denim bag.
I am a huge fan of flip flops myself... I start wearing them when it gets to be 55 or so here!
it would be sunglasses for me!
I have blue eyes, so sunglasses are a must in the summer. But my other can't-live-without-it accessory is headbands or scarfs to keep my hair off of my face.
sunglasses are definitely a winner in the summer, without question. But I also love a great sandal!
a cute, well-made pair of flip-flop sandals - or "slippers", as they're known here in Hawaii!
It's gotta be my shades!
I love handbags...and sunglasses. But mostly handbags.
Definitely sunglasses or a headband! I have long hair, so I need something to keep it off my neck since it gets plenty hot and humid here in Texas. :)
My new favorite summer accessory is my straw fedora. It shades my face from the sun and it looks cool! :)
Leah (kyoko3468@yahoo.com)
I love flip flops with a little bit of a wedge. I have these great sketchers flops with 1/2 inch and skulls on the bad. I'm on my second pair and they stopped making them! I don't know what I'll do when they go.
My favorite accessory's a great hat, which is hard for me to find because I have a big head. :(
Sandals, definitely! Thanks for doing the tote giveaway offer, Erin!
Sara (sarag616@gmail.com)
Flip flops! :)
I don't know if I can pick just one. Sunglasses are a necessity for the outdoor rehearsals I have. Ohohoh, but sunscreen is too! I'll spend 9 hours outside on Saturdays and 6 on Sundays. I could die without sunscreen.
Does that count as an accessory? :-D
Nothing makes me feel sassy like a pair of great looking pedi showing summer shoes! Winning this tote might make me change my mind. Great giveaway!
Ooh, it's a tossup: strappy sandals or summery cocktails? I can't choose!
My favorite summer accessory, hands down, is sunglasses. They add a touch of glamour to every outfit and double as a hair piece.
Email - CLamitina (@) gmail.com
Sunglasses because I am always squinting without them!
I can't live with out my sunnies!!! What a neat give-away! My second favorite thing is a floppy hat, but I love hats no matter what ;). While I'm on here, the bun thingy was sold out at walgreens! Will keep trying. My hubs hates my bun and calls me bun head, but he doesn't realize the time and effort it takes to get long,flat hair to look good, especailly in the summer, thus the buns and hats ;)
my address is:
and I finally have my own E-mail,
retroreva@current.net Yipeee!
I am at war with WW also, so join the cause. Many fellow bloggers are going to flood the site with "saged" bloggers. This is my mission: to be the first featured member over 40!!! I'm taking no prisoners ;)
Oh! Get out of the city! You are so cool! A giveaway! Super fun. I like sunglasses a ton also.
Is it a fashion faux pas to admit that flip flops are my favorite summer accessory? I love that on the weekends I can give my feet a break and just slip into some comfy shoes.
As sunglasses and totes are year round accessories for me I would have to say that my favorite summer accessory is a pair of sandals.
Fave summer accessory is definitely sunglasses!!
clarebld at yahoo dot com
How exciting! My favorite summer accessory is generally a nice pair of sandals that look cute but that I can walk around in for ages. Thank you for the giveaway!
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