Ahahahahaha. That is so an Official Fashion Blogger Pose. I think it's in the handbook. I never got a copy, so I can't be sure but you know, I'd put money on it. It's ridiculous, but it captures my hair pretty well. That's all Goody Spin Pin, friends. I am so in love with those things. I have not worn my hair down in 5 days.

I wasn't even going to take photos today, but Nathan said “That's a shame, that's a really good outfit” and changed my mind. I'm really glad he did. I was not impressed with this outfit at all before I saw the pictures, but looking at them, I realize that it actually looks really good. I look polished, and tall and lithe. And my hair looks really pretty, which is good to know, because I was under the impression it looked kind of lame and I was phoning it in a bit.

I also don't totally hate the pants anymore. I am easily influenced by your comments and you said they looked good and like magic, they did!~

And look how perfectly the earrings go with that top! Wha-BAM. Awesome. And that is why you should take photos even if you are not all that impressed with your outfit/hair/choice of accessories, because maybe you're more impressive than you think, fool!
Blouse and Cardigan, Target
Pants, Forever XXI
Pumps, Isaac Mizrahi for Target
Bag, Nordstrom Rack
Earrings, self made
Love it! You hair is gorgeous, I am totally going to have to try those spin pins, I had never heard of them before.
Glad you took pics and shared with us!
Awesome outfit - you look gorgeous!
Isn't it amazing the difference a photo makes? You can actually see yourself the way other people see you instead of from in your own eyes.
If that sounded gross, it wasn't meant to.
I don't know what to focus on first. The hair? The Top? The shoes? The pose? Nathan was right to make you take these pics!
You're actually making me miss my long hair a little. I love the top and the shoes, too!
I think I like the pants more with those shoes than I did with the previous ones you have worn them with.
And you are really lovely. Have you ever posted about what you wear for makeup?
Nice posing! I tried it once: http://wendybrandes.com/blog/2008/10/strike-fashion-blogger-pose/
It IS a good outfit :-) Your hair looks super cute too. I'll have to look for the Spin Pin.
Ya look great!!! I recently did a post on the Self-Timer Workout (patent pending!)It's a challenging work-out! By the By, I am going to do a shout out to the Wdrobe to feature some different people! Dang it! I can't find anyone anymore! Grrr...!!!
If u see a giant yellow butterfly in a shot, it's me ;) Mwa, Ha,Ha!!! They will notice it sooner or later......
I love your hair!
Nathan was right, that really is a good outfit. I love the purple and the ruffles.. and hair.. sexy heels:)
You look so great in that outfit, love love love that top and the colour combo as well, and the hair.. basically everything! Go Nathan for getting you to take photos!
looking polished anndd...a new pose? WOW!
I like it alot! It's nice to hear an air of positive when it comes to the outfits.
I know I have commented this before but, I have to reiterate that those are fantastic earrings!
Gorgeous! You really do look tall and lithe. Totally beautiful.
Yes, that post does look like it's fresh from the outfit blogger's handbook. Totally.
I also find myself telling everyone about the spin pins! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them and weeks later am using them about 2 times a week. Have you tried the split bun? It's cute too, little bun on top and little bun in the back.
Also I have to give Nathan high five, because it would have been terrible to not photograph this outfit. It looks really nice and put together!
love this post! totally true about taking outfit pics. sometimes I feel so BLAH and then I'm like, duh this outfit rocks!
I looooove your hair. Do those pins come with instructions? if not, maybe you could do a tutorial??? It looks so sleek and posh like that!
and you do look so tall and lithe, fo sho. and I love the patterns you've got going with the top, earrings and shoes.
yup, your hubby was right-a great outfit work documenting. I love the shoes with that blouse.
I'm glad the spin pins work for you. I've had a set for a couple of months, but my hair is way, way, way too thin for them to work. the ends stick out when I bun it up.
I LOVE this outfit. Very chic!
Erin, I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog. I always save it until last in my Google Reader because it is my favorite. I know you said you need to slow down on posting, and I totally get that, but I also wanted to tell you this: your clothes/fashion (while awesome) doesn't matter to me at all compared with your personality and writing style. I really identify with you and love reading about your life. Now I will stop before I sound too stalker-ish! :)
You forgot "legs for days." I'm glad you've made your peace with those pants, because they look great on you!
My experience with photos has usually been the opposite of yours: I'll think an outfit looks great, then when i see the pictures, wonder what I was thinking. I usually attribute it to the wonkiness of photography :) It's awesome that Nathan is such an active partner in your fashion and blogging endeavors.
Your hair does look really pretty! And those shoes are making me drool.
Holy cow, you're reading a book about Spike!!! Love him. Angel is a ponce and his hair sticks straight up ;)
And I am bombarding You-know-who starting this week!!! I will be sending hundreds of photos, usually with a big yellow butterfly in the shot somewhere, and e-mailings galore! I need to be naughty ;)- Gotta get one of those bun thingys!
Remember a couple days ago you posted about making a ramen pancake for dinner?
I couldn't get that idea out of my head, and so I made one and posted about it on my food blog. I made several mentions of you as well (fangirl! completely!) -
come check it out if you have a minute!
- Holly
Your hair is so shiny!! You look like you "just stepped out of a salon!"
posts like these make me happy. you're married to a smart man.
girlfriend, your hair is marvelous. I want a goody spin pin and I don't even know what it is.
Your husband was right, it would have been a crying shame if you wouldn't have taken pictures. Those pants are killer on you and I love the long cardigan over the pretty blouse. You look like a hip museum curator (and that's a very good thing.)
You look SUPER skinny! Wow. And that hair is out of this world fantastic. LOVE it up!
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