They are almost a jean. And my office paid for them. And they were $15 USD at Wal-Mart. See, today I have to do a pom pom routine in an afternoon meeting. It’s not that abnormal. I have been asked to the following in meetings before, most company wide:
Do the Thriller dance
Perform as the Spice Girls
Dress up as a giant ticket and dance to hip hop
Sing the 12 Day of Christmas, but with the lyrics changed to be about my department.
And now a pom pom routine.
All in a days work. But anyway, we are wearing black pants, red tops (top is in my bag, I don’t love red, so I am not about to wear PANTS and a RED TOP all day)
This pose is super funny, it’s like I’m trying to prove to you that I have a butt. Except that I don’t.

I almost never paint my nails, because what would be the point? I would chip them making earrings, or painting. (I did that big painting behind the chair I sometime pose in front of, among other things…)But last night I just felt like it. And I think they look really nice. But they will look like crap by the end of the day tomorrow.

Jacket, Bona Drag http://www.bonadrag.com/
Shirt, Merona at Target
Tank, Target
Jeans, Wal-Mart
Boots, Arturo Chang
Earrings, Wal-Mart
Necklace, Haute Hardware http://www.hautehardwarejewelry.com/
Stack rings, Tiffany (too bad they always spin. One is a diamond and the other is a Sapphire.)
Those jeans look great on you!
They really do! And I love tat shirt--very, very pretty!
I love that nail color, what is it? You also have very lovely hands, I didn't notice on our visit. That is a cute outfit and you look good in those pants.
Gotta join ya in the pant hate: NOT made for womens' bods. But that pair does, in fact, make you look like a million bucks! Totally love the jacket, too.
i'm givin' another shout-out to the nail polish. you should do that more often. it looks great!
I'm right there with you with your hatred for pants but I really am feeling this outfit. I love the shirt and the jacket. I'm a polish fiend so you know I'm loving the nails. What color is it? Honestly I wouldn't be surpried if I already own it. That's alway how it is when I see a polish I like and end up buying duplicates by accident.
Another vote for "love it"! The polish is great--is it magenta or purple? I can't quite tell. I always want to paint my finger nails but can't get it to dry fast enough and/or do dishes too much so it's just not worth it. :(
Ladies, the nails are two coats of Sally Hansen’s “Glossy”, which is a black with burgundy sheen, and 1 coat of Milani Garnet Gems. I almost never wear just one color!~
A, I always use a fast dry top coat, and watch ONE show on DVR while they dry. lol. ;)
I was gonna ask what color the nail polish was too! I love it. I've been looking for a good dark nail polish that isn't matte. What quick dry topcoat do you use? I used to like a certain one (I think maybe by Sally Hansen) but it always got goopy and stringy in the bottle really fast.
I can't believe you use 3 coats of nail polish + a quick dry top coat & that doesn't just turn to goop on you. I always have that problem!
Hilarious! Yep. I already own both of those shades. ;O) It never fails.
Loving that blouse - very pretty.
I also don't much care for trousers. I'm a skirt girl (actually more a dress girl I guess) through and through!
Hi there! Please tell me where you got that bag! I must have one. Thanks muchly. ^_^
It is by abro and I got it at TJ Maxx. :)
yes, my bad *blushes* I was so overcome by the sheer fabulousness of that bag I jumped the gun without thinking to read back a few posts for the pertinent info. :P Thanks! You've got great taste & such a unique style! I enjoy reading your blog. :)
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