Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I. Love. This. Dress.

I. Love. This. Dress.

More than words. But it’s so hard to wear. For starters, it’s too short to wear in the spring/summer, because it has to be worn with tights. I had long skinny legs as a child and my mother taught me early on that my best weapon against short skirts was opaque tights. And it’s hard to wear in the fall/winter, because the sleeves are so sheer. They are so sheer that they tuck really well into a jacket, with almost no bulk, but they are so pretty!~ Who wants to hide them?

I admit it looks cute with the jacket too, but after I saw these pics, I realized it looks best with the jacket buttoned so you can see my shape!~ (FYI, my bangs didn't make it past 9 AM before I put them back in a modified mini-side bump. I just can't handle it)

I love this necklace.When I first made it, I wanted to duplicate it to sell, but I could never find the blue crystal again.

Dress, Jovavich Hawke for Target
Jacket, Erin Fetherston at Target
Tights, Target
Boots, Vintage (ebay)
Necklace, self made
Silver hoops, Wal-Mart


yotababy said...

That dress is so pretty! Just so you know, you CAN wear tights in the summer too. I do! But then, I'm kind of a weird one...

meanderingway said...

Those bangs are awesome, btw. I dig that dress, as well. it's so flowy and sort of reminds me of what i might expect a clean hippie chick to wear ... if such a thing existed.

E said...

Lady, you have the BEST collection of boots! What's your secret!?

ohthatgirl said...

Your dress collection must be out of the world...and you are killin' each and every one of them. ;O) So cute!

Kelly said...

That dress is awesome. Luckily it isn't going to be cold for quite some time, so thin dress and tights will be doable for a while. Small favors.

Nana Erin said...

Thanks. My secret is ebay and the thrift store, and sometimes, at the end of the season Delias. I do not lie. (I have tiny feet, so vintage fits)

I'll run out soon, lol. And then it will be boring days for my readers I fear!~

Anonymous said...

That dress is just beautiful! It looks vintage 70s! Gorgeous! And e is right - you have an enviable collection of boots!